Biak Island, a small island in the northern part of Papua province, surrounded by many beautiful beaches. Each beach located in Biak North, South, East, and West has a character different beaches. We did not have enough time to visit each beach from every part of the town of Biak, but according to information I got from some travel notes, the beach at East Biak who have that kind of beach with white sand and clear sea water. So, we glide into Bosnik Beach, which is located about 10 km from Biak Biak town heading east.
A trip to the beach town of Biak Bosnik can be reached for about 45 minutes by car. Do not imagine the driver-driver in Papua, including Biak, would drive at normal speeds like in the big city. In Papua, the drivers who will drive to the suburbs (not drive in the city), they tend to run very relaxed and tend to be slow.
When asked, Mr. Yanto our driver explained that they had to drive slowly, for fear of a sudden there were animals crossing the road, especially a dog or a pig. The driver will drive with care not to hit the two animals, because if they hit a dog or a pig, they were required to pay compensation to the owner of the animal.
Amount of compensation, if the female animal sex, then be calculated from the number of nipples, while if the androgynous male animal, it must be calculated from its mother's nipple. Total amount of compensation will also be different if the driver is native Papuans with those who are immigrants, of course, those immigrants would pay more if they hit a dog or a pig. Be Our afternoon trip was slow and relaxed, knowing, Mr. Yanto is a native java, newcomers who then settled in Biak.
Bosnik Coast offers deserted beaches, the water is calm and clear, as well as ramps and fine white sand. Overlooking the beach, are lined Saung Saung that are rented out to visitors at a cost of Rp 50,000 / saung, for an unlimited time. There are also 3 pieces of public toilets for visitors who want to rinse and change. Makeshift bathrooms, the water was not flowing. We were immediately swim at the beach. Some of the children that afternoon swim at the beach big black tires that can be rented at a cost of Rp 10,000 / tires for an indefinite period.
Mr. Yanto while waiting for our swim apparently initiated buy cocopandan syrup and sweetened condensed milk in shops around the beach Bosnik. He then asked the mothers to be able to make a coconut seller iced coconut milk syrup. Young coconut can be purchased at a price of Rp 5,000 / fruit. The mother then prepare coconut ice syrup for the milk we drink that afternoon. Our activities all afternoon just swimming at the beach, lying in saung and drinking iced coconut milk syrup until puffed. After sunset, we left the beach and returned to Biak Bosnik City.
thank's to :
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